Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Originally posted October 26, 2017

The word ambitious gets thrown around a lot when it comes to Ragnarok but after seeing it firsthand, ambitious doesn’t seem to cut it. It’s more amazing than it is ambitious and without the obvious comments about the quality, let’s get right down to what made Thor: Ragnarok great for me and the best Thor film in the Tho-rilogy (I tried)

Here's how you use a poster to market a film
1. Thor (the character) for me had more depth this time around, sure there was still this adamant aura to him but in Ragnarok, we’re presented with Thor, the hero. Somebody that grew into his shoes as a hero embracing it to the fullest, being the same hero we’ve come to know but somehow even better.

2. The bromances, both Tholk and Thoki, didn’t just add humor to the film, but actually had relevance to the plot. Their on screen interactions added so many options as to where and how the next films would turn out that at this point it’s actually hard to say what could happen next.

3. WORLD WAR HULK. Seeing as how using this storyline would involve using the whole illuminati and since the hulk alone doesn’t really make for a good movie, using elements from world war hulk bring a smile to my face as a marvel fan. Sure there isn’t as much violence as expected but considering the platform the storyline had to take place in, it actually made a lot of sense.

4. Cameos, easter eggs and callbacks galore. Blink and you’ll miss them because this film is chalked full of them from the first few minutes till the films end.

5. Korg. Korg’s great and when you see him up on the big screen you’ll see why too. And while were already on the subject…

6. Taika Waititi. This man is a gift to the world of cinema. Given the directorial freedom he had in this film, the amount of time and effort needed to bring it to wear its at and even lending his own voice and movements for Korg, Waititi is definitely a director worth looking out for. With Ragnarok clearly being a labor of love all I could say is I want more Thor especially if it’s coming from him

7. Devil’s Anus. HAHA

10/10 Throw your money here and watch it ASAP. Ragnarok is definitely one for the books. A charming film that will definitely captivate you to not only love Thor (Hemsworth or not) but love Waititi even more.

Also Marvel beats DC this round with Thor being above Wonder Woman #sorrynotsorry
