Hello World

Seeing as how this is probably the third or fourth time I'm making (or trying) a blog (thesis included), it only feels right to start it the same way you'd get back into coding, from the bottom up.

Hello and welcome to Doby from MNL (Manila), here in this site I'll be reviewing movies, food, games and other random things in between. Also from time to time, I might even make tournament reports or deck techs for a game I play called Magic: the Gathering. My writing style is based off of how I would carry myself in a conversation because at the end of the day, I'm not writing this blog just for the exposure, but to talk to you, my readers as well.

The first few posts I'll have here will be from my FB page which happens to also be Doby from MNL but over time, this site will be my main blog.

If you've read up to this point, thank you and I hope to see you around soon.


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