Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Originally posted September 21, 2017

Fast paced, clever and a ton of fun, Kingsman 2 Golden Circle is a film that delivers. From the first few minutes youd get taste of what it has to offer.

Continuing a short while after the credits roll in Kingsman, our plucky young protagonist Eggsy takes on the mantle of his mentor Galahad, which we all know just from the trailers is still alive. Being a part of Kingsman though brings with it its bond-esque charm including their own set of gadgets and even having their own Q counterpart in Merlin. What I'm getting at though is that if you mix James Bonds charm, Men in Blacks street smarts, 21 Jump Streets eccentricity and roll it all up in a british package youd get the first Kingsman. Swap James Bond with Austin Powers, and set it in America amd youd get the sequel. Even Elton Johns in the mix and it really helped in transitioning the film.

Now on to the down and dirty for golden circle. The continuity between the two films is so concise that Im surprised as to how it made sense. The fast fight scenes reminiscient of the first film leave nothing to imagination but the fight choreography was just on another level that after these fights lassos and whips would have to be respected. The Statesmen were a welcome addition to the Kingsman lore and the use of cowboy paraphernalia was something straight out of a country western. With these in mind though it would sometimes feel that this film tries too hard to be like its predecessor. There were so many callbacks to the original that viewers who werent familiar with whats happening that theyd be out of the loop. The villain Poppy felt cheesy compared to Samuel Jacksons Valentine where Valentine had actual motivation and character that being as ecstatic as he was made sense while Poppy's motivations felt hollow and superficial. And sure having Statesmen around helped increase the viability of a Kingsman franchise, introducing too many do nothing statesmen like GingerAle and Tequila didnt really add to the film. I get that its obviously done for the sequel but introducing them and their motivations too early made them appear like one dimensional characters.

Is the film worth watching? Definitely. Sure it lost some of the first films charm but the character work, fight choreography and humor are worth it.


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