The Mummy (2017)

Recently posted June 7, 2017


The Mummy (2017)

For a movie labeled as an "Action-Adventure Horror" film, you'd be surprised to find how many times you could blurt out laughing from watching this film. Between Tom Cruise running (as he does in almost every film he's in) to the makeup and special effects used, The Mummy does deliver as an action-adventure film. The use of monster lore was well thought out with callbacks to the 1999 film featuring Brendan Fraser and seeing as this is the first film in what seems to be Universal's "dark" universe it definitely is worth a watch especially when you consider this film a new story and not just a remake of previous Mummy films. 

tldr: Mix Hellboy with Mission Impossible and you get a pretty decent film.
6 out of 10 for me (originally posted at 7/10)

Bonus: Every Tom Cruise Run. Ever.
